polski slovak
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Strona główna  >  Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Slovak Republic 2007-2013
Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Slovak Republic 2007-2013


The main goal of the Programme is strengthening the Polish-Slovak cooperation based on partnership promoting the sustainable development of the borderland region.

The Programme supports initiatives aimed at:
-development of the cross-border infrastructure (spatial integration, security, improvement of accessibility and attractiveness of the region both for its inhabitants, investors and tourists)
-improvement of the environmental conditions of the Polish-Slovak border area (protection against natural disasters, increased use of renewable energy sources, monitoring and reaction to threats of environment pollution, promotion of biodiversity and nature protection)
-social and economic development of the border region, including development of the cross-border cooperation in the fields of tourism, cultural and natural heritage protection, as well as development of cooperation networks linking Polish and Slovak partners
-supporting local initiatives and establishing cross-border contacts through implementation of micro-projects based on “people for people” initiatives

The Programme is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Polish and Slovak partners can obtain co-financing from the ERDF up to 85% of the projects’ eligible costs. Payments from the European Regional Development Fund are reimbursed ad refunds of the incurred expenses.

Each project is implemented by at least two partners, including at least one from each country participating in the Programme (in networking projects the minimum partnership is 3 partners, including at least one from the other Partner Country). Each project has to meet at least 2 out of 4 cooperation criteria (joint preparation, joint implementation, joint financing and joint personnel) and be characterised by a strong cross-border influence.

Below you will find the most important Programme documents as well as  lists of Programme Beneficiaries (divided according to priority axes and subjects) with short descriptions of projects

Operational Programme - version approved by the EC in December 2013 (1,27MB)

Operational Programme - version approved by the EC in December 2007 (914,81KB)

Communication Plan (172,85MB)

Ex-ante evaluation of the PL-SK 2007-2013 Cross-border Co-operation Programme  (1,21MB)

SEA of the PL-SK 2007-2013 Cross-border Co-operation Programme (330,04KB)

List of Beneficiaries - 1.1 (Development of cross-border infrastructure - communication and transportation infractructure)

List of Beneficiaries - 1.2 (Development of cross-border infrastructure - environmental infrastructure)

List of Beneficiaries - 2.1 (Social and economic development - development of cross-border cooperation in tourism)

List of Beneficiaries - 2.2 (Social and economic development - protection of cultural and natural heritage)

List of Beneficiaries - 2.3 (Social and economic development - networking)


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Współfinansowane z
Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego
   Unia Europejska
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